The Organic Pharmacy Homeopathic & natural health heros for summer hols & honeymoons.

Homeopathic lineupWhether you’re a homeopathic believer or not these remedies will help any typical summer/travel health problems without having to resort to doctors meds. As a regular user of Homeopathic remedies and continue to enjoy the benefits they bring to my health over the years. Here’s some top tips on how to use the remedies above and what to do.

1. Make sure you never touch any of the tablets or the inside of the cap. Gently tip two tablets into the cap and then onto the tongue.  Let them dissolve gradually under the tongue. Always keep containers away from direct sunlight, strong fragrances, and the coolest place possible & keep them completely dry.

2. No eating or drinking ( apart from water)  up to 10-20 min either side of taking the remedy if possible.

3. If the problem is acute then take them every 20 min until it subsides & water is fine to drink.

There’s no side effects to taking these remedies so children, babies and loved pets would all benefit.

Lastly, insects either love or hate you, so if you’re one of these people who get bitten on a regular basis, a natural Insect Repellent spray £6.50 will keep them away.

Prices for the above remedies,  Jet Lag – Arnica, Coccolus 30c £12.95, Heat Rash – Urtica Sol Complex £12.95, Travel Sickness – Tabaccum Petroleum Cocculus 30c £12.95, Tummy Troubles – Aloe, Ars, Alb, Iris, Podophyllum 6c £12.95  & just below for Sun Burn – Urtica, Sol 30c £12.95.



For further information on these and other Homeopathic remedies just click on the link. Organic Pharmacy.

Debenhams Beauty Hall Summer Hot List July 2015.


Just a quick round up of some of make-up items you’ll find over the counter in the beauty hall’s of Debenhams. These are some of my favourites in the line up Make-up Forever Aqua Liner £16, Too Faced Melted Lipstick £19 and Benefits They’re Real Push -up Liner £18.50.   Debenhams Beauty.